Did you ever learn how to ride a bike? How did you do it? Did you get on the bike and immediately master the balance of your weight on a moving vehicle with two wheels and handlebars angled in such a way you are actually leaning forward as you move? Probably not. You got on, a little scared, a little nervous. Maybe you had training wheels that balanced for you until your body could adjust. Maybe you had a parent or adult holding onto the bike as you took your first pedal into the land of biking. You may have fallen down a time or two. There may have been siblings or other kids cheering you on riding their bikes past you. There may have also been kids jeering or teasing you, telling you that you couldn’t do it. Yet, you did. You learned how to ride a bike. How? You tired tried and tried again. You tried again until you mastered the art of balancing, of pedaling, of steering, and all the things it takes to ride a bike successfully. You did it! And if you got on a bike today, chances are your muscle memory mind would remember all that hard work and you would balance again without effort. That which we learn, we retain. As a master you now ride through life! As we grow up and reach adulthood, we can forget that mastering is something takes practice, that learning takes time, and that failing is a part of the process. We expect that we are just supposed to know it all because we have learned so much in our lives. Children look to us as if we know it all. Peers look to us as if we should know it all. Our lives are based on being skilled masters of knowing it all. But the more you know, the more you realize there is to know. This world is full of amazing, insanely awesome things to learn! Learning is life. To learn means we are growing, we are opening up to new wonders in our lives. To stop learning means we stop opening up to new possibilities and we begin to cling to familiar *Tiny Town. In doing so, we close the doors on the opportunities that could be there for our lives. It is what many call growing old, getting stale, or stuck in our ways. We stay in limitation because we have mastered all the information coming at us and that makes us feel good. We feel good when we are the smart ones who have all the answers. We feel good when we are the ones leading the pack in the bicycle parade. To be a beginner is scary. We don’t feel confident or secure when we are learning new things. *The Four Steps of Allowing come into play and our bodies scream at us that the new thing we are attempting is not safe! We have to use energy, time, and focus to face those *Caution Walls and bust through to mastery. How do we do this? We try, try, and try again. Just like learning how to ride that bike, we put one foot on the pedal and try again. We fall down. We get back up. We try again. Some people taunt and tease us for trying or wobbling as we go down our path. We keep pedaling. We keep trying. Some people cheer us on. We breathe in their support and keep going. We try again. And every day we get stronger. And every day we learn more. And every day we become more and more the master and less the beginner. If we can use the tool of a *Perseverance Personality, we can learn all sorts of things! We can get that new job. We can find love. We can start that new career and provide for our families. We can move into a new phase of life with a new outlook on life. We can overcome anything. We just have to try, try, and try again. The reward? The reward is the motivation. Riding a bike as a kid the reward was the feeling of the wind in our hair, the ability to go where we wanted faster than ever, and being able to hang with our friends who could ride their bikes too. Our parents were proud of us. We were free to be out in the world, able to go fast and master anything! And we had so much fun doing it! If we can find the reward for whatever it is we are trying we can focus through the growing pains and into the new and greater possibilities. We can move through the falling down times and find the solutions as we go. We can keep trying until we succeed. No matter what it is you want in life, the dream that is deep in your heart, if you keep trying you will learn not only how to do it, but more about yourself along the journey than you ever thought possible. It all begins with one step, one motion to try. And then? Then try, try, try again. -Jeannine Proulx Your Optional Short Cut: Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and tune into your heart space, and ask yourself: “What new thing are you scared to try today? How would it feel if you had mastered it?” Focus on the feeling of being free and try again! What steps do you need to take? What ideas come to you? ----------------------------------------- *These are Possibility Path tools to help you understand your path to possibility! To learn more, check out the programs and walk The Possibility Path yourself here: THE POSSIBILTY PATH ----------------------------------------- Thanks for taking a moment to hit pause and open up to Possibility! Here’s to the possibilities to come! © Jeannine Proulx, A Possibility Pause First Written October 28, 2018 for - The Star Shine Club [email protected] www.thepossibilitypath.com http://www.thepossibilitypath.com
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AuthorThe Possibility Path was created as a life coaching program to gain insight into the journey of being a human being. Archives
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