Each and every day we are given 24 hours of which to spend our time. We often think we don't have a choice in how we spend our time. Jobs, school, family, spouses, society, and others all tell us how we must spend our time. But we get to choose! How we choose to spend this precious time we have on this earth as human beings creates the lives we live. That is the simple, yet profound, purpose of possibility.
When we understand this concept taught by many successful people in many different ways, we can be, do, and live the lives we really want to live.
I have been living this principle for most of my life. I question things and people. I am a seeker, a perpetual 5 year old always asking "Why? Why? Why?" and then "Why?" again. I have never found the ultimate answers to the ultimate questions until I wrote this book.
And when I sat down in my car staring at the ocean watching for dolphins after my move to Florida, pen in hand to write, I merely wanted a bit of insight into the world around us. What was written that day was chapter one on The Possibility Path. And Book One.
It changed my life.
It took me on an adventure of awareness that awoken me in a way I never knew was possible. I rode the journey into wisdom I had heard and read from Masters over the ages that now suddenly made sense! It was easy. It was simple. It was profound. So much of the wisdom I had read and studied before now made sense in a whole new way. The puzzle pieces came together to make sense of the profound.
Since then I have created Short Cut Relaxation Stories to accompany each chapter of the written book which I call The Possibility Path. The clients who have done this coaching program have had amazing experiences and told me they experienced the same easy to understand yet deep understanding of what it is to be a human being in this world today.
The program is easy! These concepts are timeless. The wisdom that comes with them is too.
Get ready to experience a way in which seeing the world opens you up to ideas, people, places, and things you may have never imagined, yet grounds you in a way that is good and solid. It's the true experience of dreams lived and practical magic. It is The Possibility Path!
I currently suck at social media. Luckily I found Substack where I have created the NEW Star Shine Club with access to so much of my Possibility Path inspired creations! Sign up free here and check it out to stay connected! (And if you want personal Behind the Scenes and the Newest creations, you can upgrade to a paid subscription at any time :)
As an adventure guide, Jeannine helps her clients bust through the blocks of life to find the treasured gems inside the difficulties, helping to create the life of their dreams. From coaching corporate administrators in the business world get promoted, to helping work at home moms find balance, to supporting creative artists to birth their books, and helping dads in a job changes that make them more money than ever, to opening up linear accountants to their emotional wisdom. Her work as a Possibility Life Coach and Author helps people find the best in themselves and the world.
Her style as a Possibility Life Coach can best be described as forthright and fun with practical insights and tools for everyday living. She accesses the whole person and is able to offer guidance on a profound scale.
She is a firm believer that we all have our own paths and that there is no one way or right way to any path, but that we are all here to support one another no matter where that might lead. At the core of all lies the ability to see the possibilities in each other, and that is truly a gift that has always been hers.
Creativity is the passion that runs through her days and each one of her adventures, moves and creations that show her heart, wisdom, and humor. Her intuition has been her guide throughout her life and is now available for clients with her Life Coaching program The Possibility Path!
She loves helping women, mothers, children, and families find the serenity in life through possibilities and has written, recorded, and create a whole curriculum in The Melodies: Harmonies for Pre-schoolers! Find out more here: www.melodies4kids.com