AN INTRODUCTION to The Possibility Path Tools! __________ 28 Steps, one SERIES, based on The Possibility Path, BOOK ONE themes.
These Possibility Path Tools help you understand the human journey and yourself better than you ever thought possible!
Understand the world. Understand yourself.
Find the possibilities! Start with The Stepping Stones
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Do The Stepping Stones as a Personal Program with One on One Support!
- Get the materials in your email inbox. - Listen to the program - PLUS One on One WEEKLY coaching support from The Author!
Process your insights. Get more clarity! Learn more! Grow deeper. Feel supported.
Email sessions available - each week get feedback and insight support back and forth once a week with The Author, JP!
Choose and sign up here!
Feel supported. Find hope. Get answers. Birth a new you! EMAIL **A 90% off value just for this year and this program
PAY ALL AT ONCE $225 one time payment *includes material via Substack subscription
PAYMENT PLAN $25 a month for 9 months *includes material via Substack subscription
We are told in life getting older is a bad thing.
From the time we are little and our grandparents say, "You are getting so big!" with that look of shock and sadness on their face, to the billions of dollars spent on advertising anti-aging products, the message is clear: Aging is bad.
Or is it?
Come find out how to find the life solutions and profound insights that are just right for you, whatever age you are experiencing today!
Based on 28 Steps in The Possibility Path - BEYOND
AUDIO topics with guided Short Cuts
Each program includes: - 10 -15 min. audio of step material with Short Cut mindfulness guided relaxation audio that matches each step for you to find your OWN personal reflection on the topics. - Weekly Workbook with Curious Questions to keep track of your insights!
Easy to listen to! * Email or phone coaching support from the author and Possibility Coach
Overwhelmed by life? Need some answers? Love learning? Want a better life?
Find out why we humans act the way we do and how you can move into new possibility, no matter what Curve Ball life throws our way!
Beyond the bounds of simple views on life and expand into the realm of pure potential, understanding human consciousness in a way quite unlike any other through conversational story, metaphor, and topics that bring home the reality of living as a human being on this planet in this time.
Come open up to your best, most authentic self, and walk The Possibility Path™ to new realities and the new possibilities yet to come!
Truly life changing AND life affirming insights come from these programs, no matter which one you choose!
Easy to do. Quick to do. Possibilities that last a lifetime!
Choose your program and begin walking your path to possibilities!
* Material will come from Spinner Arts Publications, LLC
The Possibility Path Programs
For Parents
14 Steps to become a more present parent with Building Blocks to create a strong family foundation based on mindful living and positive awareness. Get to know your family, your children and yourself better, discovering new worlds of possibility within the family structure!
For Business
7 Steps to a Business full of Possibility!
Come learn a new way of doing business, one that involves answers, solutions, and to create a foundation that opens you up to a world of possibility for your customers, your business, and yourself!
For Relationships
When you change and grow, everyone in your Garden of Life grows too!
That includes relationships.
Whether romantic, spouse, friendships, business partnerships, coworkers, schoolmates, family, kids, parents, and more!
You choose the relationship. This program helps you find boundaries, respect, understanding, and love as you grow!
5 Steps to Finding Your Bliss
Confused on what direction you should go in life? Wondering what is your passion or how to live the life you dream? This is the place to start. The FIRST program into possibilities created by the author, JP, this program is the foundation for The Billion Dollar Question!
FIND YOUR BLISS! - Step by step direction workbook - One on One Coaching