In the early stages of life every stage is a miracle to be celebrated. We open our eyes for the first time and people “ohh” in amazement. We hold up our heads. We smile for the fist time. We roll over. We scoot. We crawl. We take our first steps. We say our first words. Every moment, every day there is a new-ness to the milestones that we as human beings achieve.
As we grow up, those milestones go from days to years. We move from one grade to another. We grow an inch or three. We play sports or do other things We get a good grade. We graduate. We move on into adulthood having achieved all those milestones that get so celebrated by the people around us. We move up and onward into creating a life of our own as we move beyond the Tiny Town celebrations of daily achievements into even bigger ones. As we grow up we can forget that these big achievements don’t happen in a day. The secret truth people don’t like talking about is these small steps that equal big goals are full of things we don’t like to do! And if we don’t like to do them, then it must not be a milestone achievement. If we want a driveway clear from snow, we have to get all bundled up, get the shovel, go out and scoop by scoop ladle the snow away from the driveway with the bare muscle of our own two arms and one back. If we want to get a new job we must research, get resume together (facing our greatest challenges of listing every big accomplishment we may have done in our lives) and go into challenging interviews, and then start all over at learning a new job with new people and new hurdles to overcome. If we want to move to a new place, we must pack up, deal with bills, moving trucks, and getting settled again in a new place. It is all a process. Every single large thing we attempt to do as adults takes a large amount of time and many steps. The greater the goal, the more steps we must take. So, how do we know when we have arrived? One of the greatest sales pitches used in advertising and movies is the feeling of “Arrived.” The couple falls in love and arrives at their final wedding day moment. The mom leaves her worries behind and arrives at her vacation destination with friends where she is happy. The family makes dinner from food delivered in a box and arrives happily eating it together. The car arrives cruising down the freeway wide open skies all around it. We watch these and feel that “Ah…” feeling of accomplishment, all is right with the world, it is all good now, moments. The idea of Arrive is more than just a moment in time in these ads and movies it is forever! Happily Ever After come to life. After the couple makes their delicious dinner they don’t show the argument over who has to clean it up and how much it costs and whether they should be spending money on food because he just lost hours at his job. Nope. They stop right there: at the moment of Arrive. They stop at the moment where all things are right and good and happy. These sales commercial Hollywood happy endings we love so much hold us in the forever feeling of arrive. There is nothing left to do after you Arrive. There are no dishes to clean. There is no traffic. There is no argument or first fight. You are simply in that state of bliss forever. In the Possibility Path with The New Now we are reminded that this moment of bliss of a forever now feeling of Arrive is temporary. As human beings we don’t just Arrive and be done with it. Nope! Forever is just a feeling some advertisement company is trying to sell you or some feel good movie wants to show you. In reality, in human existence, in this life, we don’t arrive once and be done with it? No. We Arrive a million times a day. We Arrive when we wake up and we are still here, breathing. That is an accomplishment! We Arrive when we take on each new challenge in our lives, be it learning something new or just surviving the day. We Arrive when we walk, when we smile, when we love, when we move past fear and into peace. We Arrive when we see our kids reaching their milestones and facing new challenges. We Arrive when we look at our parents and see them turning into children again and we face the newness of age. We arrive with every new breath we take. We never fully Arrive and be done with it in this human life. There is no place of forever now. Each moment, each day, each breath we take is new. We are just like that toddler taking a first step every day. As the pendulum swings and we reach the middle where our bodies continue to look vaguely the same every day we can forget that we are still each day, every day, new. Every day is a challenge. Every day is an adventure of learning and growing and becoming and letting go and loving and living and being in new. We Arrive with every step we take. There is no done and finished forever. That is just a feeling as fleeting as the 30 second ads that tell us so. But knowing that we are arriving each second? That can be just as exciting as seeing that baby smile for the first time. We just forget to celebrate those moments of Arrive like we do with the children. You, as a grown human, are still as miraculous as that infant. Every day! You are still as miraculous as that infant. Your body, your brain, your movement through the world arriving in each moment is still something to be treasured and cherished and honored as you walk the Path to Possibility into each and every New Now that greats you! If we can celebrate our daily milestones the same way we do the little children, we can find that celebration feeling times ten in every moment of the day. And if not the feeling of celebration? Then maybe just the feeling of knowing that we are doing okay as we Arrive at this next moment, in this now, here, today. That can be enough. Open up to the possibility that we indeed have arrived. - JP Your Optional Short Cut: Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and tune into your heart space, and ask yourself: - What needs to be celebrated in your life as an accomplishment today? - Where have you Arrived? What ideas come to you? _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ***** YOU ARE A SHINING STAR! ***** * These Possibility Pauses are for you to hit the pause button in your life for just a moment to get answers, ideas, solutions, and hope that you might not otherwise get moving through life on auto-pilot. Thanks for taking a moment to hit pause and open up to Possibility! © Jeannine Proulx, A Possibility Pause First written: January 19, 2020 Appreciate you, all you are, and all you do to bring life and possibility to the world, starting with your inner world! Here’s to the possibilities to come!
They say ART
is born from chaos. I say ART is born from LIFE Art is born from sunsets and the smell of a baby’s head. The sweet scent of pumpkin pie on the counter, cooling. Warm nights and cool days. Leaves blowing in the wind. The wrinkles of an elder’s hand, holding mine. Last breaths and first cries. Oceans and whales and volcanos, oh my! Everywhere I look, I see, I feel, I am inspired to create, to capture, to mimic, to honor LIFE. Art is not born from the chaos of, but the beauty within what appears to be chaos. For life is the utmost perfectly perfect example of how incredible this existence truly is. Art is simply a way to make sense of what we can never understand and to maybe participate a bit in the dancing swirls of this universe we exist within. Perhaps it is not chaos they speak of that inspires ART. Perhaps it is the mystery.
© 2023, Jeannine Proulx |
AuthorThe Possibility Path was created as a life coaching program to gain insight into the journey of being a human being. Archives
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