Carlota NelsonCarlota Nelson is an accomplished Madrid-based filmmaker and director of the groundbreaking feature documentary, Brain Matters, a film that explores the development of the brain in early childhood. She is a member of The Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Spain. Her documentary work has spanned global social and cultural topics, including art and apartheid in South Africa, censorship in Kuala Lumpur, and recidivism in America’s women’s prisons. Her first feature documentary, Anclados, premiered across Europe in 2010 to significant acclaim. The film tells the story of the crew of a Russian trawler quarantined in a Spanish port following the collapse of the Soviet Union.
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aBOUT THE FILMCarlota Nelson, in her ground-breaking documentary, answers these questions in an enlightening globe-trotting journey about what truly helps make children realize their full potential.
BRAIN MATTERS reveals that learning begins way before children go to school and that it’s the experiences children are exposed to that determine their chances for future success. Everyday situations such as play, relationships, language and nutrition are examined with a fresh scientific approach, aiming at a set of brain boosting skills and activities that can provide every child with the opportunity to thrive. Through interviews with cutting edge researchers, scientists, economists, families and educators, BRAIN MATTERS explores the so called “miracle years”, a critical period of our lives that no one remembers, in a profound new way – emphasizing how the first few years are the greatest opportunity we have to give children the best start in life. |